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And an occasional escape hatch.

We are delighted to welcome you to our online ​realm dedicated to the enrichment of educators ​like you! Our products and services are crafted to ​not only assist you in your coaching journey, but ​also to inspire fresh ideas and innovative methods ​to enhance your overall educational practice.

Book with illustration and mug of tea on creased textile



Kick off your school year with an instructional coaching ​experience like no other by joining The EduCoach ​Survival Guide's 30-Day SMS Challenge!

WHAT: 30 Days of Coaching Tips, Tricks, & Inspiration

WHY: To elevate your coaching skills and knowledge in a ​quick, practical way

HOW: Brief text messages delivered directly to your ​phone

WHEN: August 19th - September 18th, 2024

Our Services

Women read books in quiet nature, concept read a books.

Book Talks

For in person & virtual groups

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  • Customized
  • Conversational
  • Solutions-oriented
  • Flexible
  • Personalized Q&A
Timberline Lodge with Interior Chairs by Fireplace Mount Hood Oregon
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Coaching ​Retreats

For in person groups

  • Tailored & Differentiated
  • Experiential
  • Practical & Transferrable
  • Evidence-Based Tools
  • Authentic & Active

Book with illustration and mug of tea on creased textile
Black Gradient Rectangle

Coaching ​Memberships

For individuals & small teams

  • Expert 1:1 guidance
  • Ongoing & sustainable
  • Connected & Confidential
  • Strengths-Based
  • Holistic & Human-Centered


Of our coaching clients report that they feel​ newly ​empowered as leaders, ready to engage in ​crucial ​conversations, and prepared to ​collaborate more ​effectively with other ​colleagues.

Book Clipped on the Hood of RV

Reviews From The Field

“Lindsay and Angela are ​rockstars. They lift instructional ​coaches, celebrate our ​successes, and remind us to ​imbibe ourself grace so that we ​can grow in our goals as ​professionals.”

Elementary ​Instructional ​Coach

Man Drinking Coffee in the Nature
Testimonial Stars Icon

“This was one of the most energizing ​professional learning experiences of ​my career. The organization of our ​time together was well planned and ​responsive to our needs. Our group ​was encouraged to share their thinking ​and probe ideas as well. Being with ​them helped me think more critically ​and strategically about this work.”

Confident Happy African American Woman Smiling outside

District-Based ​Coach

Testimonial Stars Icon

“They were so knowledgeable ​personable, and warm. They spoke ​beautifully from the heart and I ​know all educators will find comfort ​in their words and suggestions. ​Thank you for being such a powerful ​force in instructional coaching, as ​well as teaching and beyond!”

Cheerful black female teacher with workbooks standing near whiteboard

Director of Prof. ​Learning

Testimonial Stars Icon

Let's design ​your next ​professional ​learning ​adventure

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About Us

LINDSAY DEACON - Founding Partner

is an Instructional Coaching Coordinator in Las Vegas, Nevada. Lindsay has worked under Dr. Jim ​Knight’s leadership on his Instructional Coaching team and on Professor John Hattie’s Visible ​Learning team at Corwin Press, and recently designed, developed and implemented an Instructional ​Coaching program for NWEA. Outside of her professional work, Lindsay’s greatest passions are ​exercising and rereading A Game of Thrones. She also impersonates flight attendants from time to ​time.

CORE VALUES: Integrity, Achievement, Creativity

FAVORITE COACHING BOOK: Better Conversations by Jim Knight


is an Instructional Coach, Professional Developer, and Equity Coordinator in the Portland area. She ​earned her Master’s in Education from University of Portland with an endorsement in Reading. She ​also earned an ESOL endorsement from Portland State University. She has spent the last 18 years as ​an educator in five schools across three districts. Her fondest memories of teaching come from the ​four years spent as a 6th grade teacher attending Outdoor School in rainy Oregon. On weekends you ​can find Angela and her family hosting a BBQ, riding bikes, visiting the library, walking the beach, ​swimming, or camping in the Pacific Northwest.

CORE VALUES: Integrity, Nurturing, Zest

FAVORITE COACHING BOOK: The PD Book by Lori Cohen and Elena Aguilar

Get Your Guide

“Lindsay Deacon and Angela Scotto Harkness have done all educators a great service by putting together this collection of ​‘essential strategies for surviving and adapting to the changing environment of schools.’ Literally, each of the scenarios of the ​guide addresses an issue that coaches have brought up to me, sometimes dozens of times, in the past. I’m convinced that ​anyone who works as a coach will find this book extremely useful.”

Dr. Jim Knight,

Author, Researcher, and Senior Partner of the Instructional Coaching Group

“While many of the works of other coaching experts lay excellent foundations for work, I find that many authors are far ​removed from the quirky, chaotic, and intense environments and situations that full-time instructional coaches experience. ​This book keeps it real about the things that happen, but often aren't discussed in other texts.”

Kenny McKee

Compassionate Coaching: How to Help Educators Naviage B arriers to Professional Growth

Upcoming Events

Simply Coaching ​Summit


July 8 - 10, 2024

Instructional ​Coaching ​Conference

Austin, TX

July 15 - 16, 2024


Denver, CO

De​cember 8 - 11, 2024


Denver, CO

June 26 - 29, 2​024

Campfire on the beach

Coaching Wellness ​& Survival Retreat

Something truly unique and special is ​coming soon.